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 天啊 Jesus. 天啊 Oh, Jesus. 该死的怪物 Fucking monster! 放我们走 放我们走 Just let us go. Just let us go. 你为什么要这么做 Why are you doing this? 天啊 Oh, God. 让我走吧 Just let me go. 请让我们走吧 Let us go, please. 该死 Shit. 你在干什么 What are you doing? 那是什么

 那是什么 What is that? What is that? 你在干什么 What are you doing? 不 不 不 No, no, no. 这... 这是什么 What... what is it? 你要去哪儿 Where are you going? 你在干什么 What are you doing? 雪莉 我看不见你 Shelly, I can"t see you. 我看不见你 我看不见你 I can"t see you. I can"t see you. 我看不见你 I can"t see you. 这个配方对她不起作用 She did not respond favorably to the formula. 真遗憾

 Such a pity. 恐怕.. I"m afraid... 你妻子的心脏无法承受 Your wife"s heart couldn"t take it. 她的心脏刚刚因为高血压而爆裂 Her heart just burst From the intense blood pressure. 你这个变♥态♥ You sick fuck. 我向上帝发誓 我向上帝发誓 我要杀了你 I swear to God, I swear to God, I"m gonna fucking kill you. 我要杀了你 I"m gonna fucking kill you! 等等 等等 Wait, wait, wait. 等等 等等 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 等等 我的女儿 Wait, my daughter. 我女儿呢 What about my daughter? 我女儿在哪

 我女儿在哪 Where"s my daughter? Where"s my daughter? 她在哪儿

 她在哪儿 Where is she? Where is she? 你对她做了什么 What did you do to her? 你不必担心 You need not be concerned. 求你了 Please. 你♥他♥妈♥的是谁 Who the fuck are you? 你是谁 Who are you? 你♥他♥妈♥的为什么要这么做 Why are you fucking doing this? 别以为我是个疯子 Do not think me a madman. 世界上的其他人很快就会把我当作解放天使 While the rest of the world Will soon regard me As a liberating angel,

 而你的命运就是成为一场致命瘟疫的传播者 Your destiny Is to become the carrier of a plague so deadly That 你的城市在几天内就会屈服 你的国家在几周内屈服 your cities will succumb within days, Your country within weeks, As 作为死亡的预兆 这是你们资本主义社会真正应得的 a harbinger of death, Which your capitalist society truly deserves. 请不要这样做 Don"t do this, please. 你没必要这么做 You don"t have to do this. 请不要 Please don"t. 你♥他♥妈♥的疯了 You"re fucking insane. 求你了 求你了 你没必要这么做 Please, please, you don"t have to do this. 拜托拜托 Please, please. 一旦疫情蔓延 整个世界都会孤立起来 包围你们的边界 Once the outbreak has spread, The whole world will isolate And contain your borders. 也许会蔓延到墨西哥 Perhaps it will spread to Mexico. 天啊 Oh, God. 加拿大 Canada? 与过去的失败不同 这一次 我相信我会成功 Unlike the failures Of my past, this time, I"m confident I will succeed. 请停下来 Please stop. 哦 是的 是的 Oh, yes, yes. 当然 会有副作用 There will be the side effects, of course: 不自然的、无法控制的、随机的骨骼生长 表皮的病变和溃疡 The unnatural, uncontrollable, random bone growth, Lesions and ulcers of the epidermis, Increased salivation, And then 唾液分泌增加 然后愤怒会开始 疯狂的愤怒 最后... rage will set in, Insane rage, And finally... 嗜血

 The bloodlust. 请不要 Please don"t. 请不要这样做 Please don"t do this. 不 No. 我会很快的 I will be quick. 毕竟 我不是虐待狂 After all, I am not a sadist. 不 不 不 不 请不要 No, no, no, no, please don"t. 天啊 Oh, my God! 上帝与此毫无关系 God has nothing... Nothing to do with this! 尽量不要动 Try not to move. 不不不不 Oh, no, no, no, no. 实验对象的蜕变已接近完成 Subject"s metamorphosis is near completion. 愤怒在他的血管里流淌 Rage is coursing through his veins. 你对血液的渴望变得永无止境 Your thirst for my blood Is becoming insatiable, unquenchable. 愤怒 Rage! 愤怒是完美的 Rage is perfection. 看来他们服用的迷幻药终于起作用了 Looks like the ecstasy they took finally kicked in. 天啊 Holy shit. 看看他们 Look at them. 他们几乎是在公开场合通奸 They"re practically fornicating In public. 我想你说 Olivia 有两面性并不是在开玩笑 I guess you weren"t kidding When you said Olivia goes both ways.

 看看她的工作 Look at her working it. 是的 但我从来没有见过凯特这种行为 Yeah, but I"ve never seen Kat act That whacked in the head. 她一定是嗑药磕得神志不清了 She must be stoned out of her mind. 我最好停止这一切 否则她永远不会原谅我 I"d better stop this, or she"ll never forgive me. 普莉丝 想想看 Pris, think about it. 凯特已经长大了 可以做她想做的事 Kat is old enough to do whatever she wants. 你不是她的监护人 You"re not her keeper. 不 我不是 但我是她最好的朋友 No, I"m not, But I"m her best friend. 如果你想保持这种关系 那就坐回去 离她远点 And if you want to keep it that way, Sit back and leave her alone. 我怎么能 我的意思是 看看她 How can I? I mean, look at her. 她显然是一团糟 她甚至不知道自己在做什么 She"s obviously so messed up, She doesn"t even know What she"s doing. 如果她知道呢 What if she does? 听着 如果 Kat 和 Josh 想做性实验 随他们去吧 Look, if Kat and Josh want to sexually experiment, Let them. 这没什么大不了的 It"s not that big of a deal. 如果你试图阻止他们 他们只会因此而怨恨你 And they"re only going to resent you for it If you try to stop them. 我认识 Kat 20 年了 I"ve known Kat for 20 years. 我以前从没见过她这样 I"ve never seen her act like that before. 也许她有... 只是你没见过罢了 Well, maybe she has... Just not with you. 让它去吧 Let it go. 而且 你还有我 我是个三性恋 Besides, you got me, And I am a trisexual. 这是什么意思

 What does that mean? 这意味着我会尝试任何你想让我做的事 It means I will try anything you want me to. 你感觉怎么样 Kat So how are you feeling, Kat? 太棒了 伙计 Fucking amazing, man. 这东西很强烈 This shit is intense. 就像魔法一样 不是吗 It"s like magic, isn"t it? 我保存这些已经很长时间了 只是为了适当的时机 I"ve saved these hits for a long time For just the right occasion. 而今晚就是那个时刻 And tonight"s the night. 你怎么说 宝贝 What do you say, baby? 让我们制♥造♥一些回忆 Let"s make some memories. 让我们用整个夜晚来创造这些时刻 Let"s make the whole night of those moments. 我们三个 我们会创造一个我们永远不会忘记的夜晚 The three of us, We"ll make the kind of night we"ll all never forget. 当然 我同意 Hell, yeah, I"m down. 妈的 我们明天可能都死了 Shit, we could all be dead tomorrow. 让我们活下去 Let"s live. 你很喜欢 不是吗 You love it, don"t you? 哦 宝贝 用力 Oh, baby, harder. 毫无疑问 这是一块精致的他妈的屁♥股♥ You are, without doubt, One piece of exquisite fucking ass. 天啊 我喜欢你性感的 007 口音 Oh, God, I love your sexy James Bond accent. 没错 宝贝 That"s right, baby. 我是调♥教♥官 I"m the commander.

 摇晃 而不是搅拌 Shaken, not stirred. 继续 继续 Hold on. Hold on. 宝贝 我快射了 Baby, I"m almost there. 嘘 Shh. 什么东西 What is it? 没什么 It"s nothing. 为什么你总是挑这些该死的地点 Why do you always pick these goddamn spots In the middle of nowhere? 自从那次你的老头子在艾尔雷汽车旅馆抓到我们之后 我就再也不冒险了 After that time your old man Nearly caught us in the El rey motel, I"m not taking any more chances. 你为什么非要提起他 Why the hell did you have to bring him up? 别管他了 Shh. Forget about him. 你现在和一个真正的男人在一起 You"re with a real man now. 谁是调♥教♥官 你这个荡♥妇♥ Who"s the commander, you slapper? 没错 宝贝 That"s right, baby. 你是调♥教♥官 You are the commander. 谁是调♥教♥官 Who"s the commander? 干♥死♥我 Fuck me off. 哦 耶 宝贝 Oh, yeah, baby. 你就是 You are. 用力 用力 用力 Harder, harder, harder. 用力 用力 Harder, harder.

 我♥操♥ Fuck me! 哦 该死 Ooh, damn! 我想舔你还没洗的地方 I want to lick you in places You haven"t washed yet. 没错 That"s right. 别害羞 亲爱的 Don"t be shy, sweetheart. 让我们看看 Let"s see "em. 让我们看看你的奶♥子♥ Show us your tits. 来吧 Come on. 再上一点 再上一点 A little more. A little more. 天啊 Oh, man! 哦 是的 没错 好吧 Oh, yeah, right, okay. 上车 Get in that winnebago. 伙计 Man. 疯狂的家伙 你今天早上怎么样 Wild thing, how you doing this morning? 你看起来很痛苦 You look miserable. 早上好 Good morning. 嘿 Hey. Kat 去哪儿了 Where"d Kat go? 我不知道 I don"t know. 可能是回温尼贝戈去上厕所什么的 Probably back to the winnebago To use the bathroom or something. 她会回来吗

 Is she coming back? 为什么 Why? 你有什么想法 What do you have in mind? 你知道 我有个问题 You know, I have this problem. 我醒来的时候总是欲♥火♥焚身 I"m always horny as hell when I wake up. 你打算怎么办 What are you gonna do about it? 我的天... 你刚刚... Oh, my... you just... 你刚刚吐在我身上了 You just fucking puked on me. 你怎么了 What happened to you? 我不想谈这个 I don"t want to talk about it. 我得用一下你的洗手间 I just have to use your bathroom. 哦 Oh. 你们知道这个池塘为什么这么特别吗 Do you two know why this pond is so special? 不知道 No. 它有魔力吗 Is it magical? 是啊 Well, yeah. 我想在某种程度上是的 亲爱的 I guess in a way, it is, sweetheart. 你看 很久很久以前 你的曾曾祖父把你爷爷带到这里教他怎么钓鱼 You see, a long, long time ago, Your great-great-granddaddy brought your grandpa here And taught him how to fish. 几年后 爷爷把我和你♥爸♥爸带到这里教我们怎么钓鱼 A few years after that, Grandpa brought your daddy and I here And taught us how to fish. 我希望等你长大了有了自己的孩子 你也能把他们带到这里来 教他们 I hope that when you"re all grown up And have your

 own children, You"ll bring them here too, teach them. 是的 这可以成为一个家庭传统 Yeah, it can become a family tradition. 我不喜欢那些虫子 它们很恶心 I don"t like the worms; They"re icky. 是的 Yeah. 本叔叔 为什么爸爸会死 Uncle Ben, why"d daddy have to die? 你♥爸♥爸很爱你 Your daddy loved you a lot. 现在也是 He still does. 他现在正在天堂里 He"s just up in heaven now. 我非常想念他 I miss him a lot. 我想妈妈也是 I think mommy does too. 当然了 Of course she does. 我也是 I do too. 你知道 他一直想有一天带你来这里 You know, he always wanted to bring you out here one day. 我这么做是为了他 I"m doing this for him. 这就是我带你来这里的原因 你明白吗 That"s why I brought you out here; Do you understand? 本叔叔 Uncle Ben? 我要去洗手间 I have to go to the bathroom. 呃 哦 Uh-oh. 那么 你是要去一还是二 Well, do you have to go number one or number two? 一 One. 好吧 好吧 Okay, okay.

 你看到那边的灌木丛了吗 You see those bushes right over there? 你就躲在灌木丛后面然后上厕所 You just go down behind those bushes And go ahead and potty. 我不想在这里上厕所 Ew, I don"t want to go out here. 附近没有洗手间吗 I...

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