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时间:2022-08-15 14:25:02 浏览次数:




  NETFLIX 剧集 剧名:第 4 集:地狱中的希望 那个地方有很多叫法 It has many names. 阿维努斯 塔塔罗斯 黑帝斯 Avernus, Tartarus, Hades, 也就是你们称之为“地狱”的冥界 the infernal region you call Hell. 原来地狱真的存在啊 So, Hell does exist? 是的 对某些人而言是这样 It does. For some. 你的意思是 只要你不相信它存在 它就不存在 Does that mean it doesn"t exist if you don"t believe in it? 你还是人时 相信地狱存在吗 Did you believe in it? When you were a man? 相信 Yeah. 我只是没料到地狱会这么冷 I just didn"t expect Hell to be cold. 我们现在要走哪边 So, which way do we go? 我们还是跟着受罚者走吧 I suggest we follow the damned. 他们竟然还要自己带火来地狱 They make you bring your own fire to Hell? (纽约州水牛城)

 你没事吧 Are you all right? 应该没事 I-I think so. -我扶你起来 -谢谢 -Here, let me help you. -Thank you. 我很抱歉 I"m so sorry. 这事都怪我 It"s my fault entirely. 我的拖鞋不知道去哪里了 I lost my slippers somewhere. 在这里

 Oh. Here you go. 你真是好心肠 Oh. You"re very kind. 我这身穿着估计太随便了吧 I suppose I"m rather underdressed. 没有 要是我可以随心所欲 我去哪里都会穿着睡衣 Listen, if it were up to me, I"d never get out of my pajamas. 你住在附近还是… You live nearby? Or… 不 我… No, I, uh… 其实我不知道这地方是哪里 I"ve no idea where I am, actually. 我能否…你需不需要我载你去哪里 Can I… Do you need a ride somewhere? 我很乐意送你 I"d be happy to take you. 我不想强人所难 I"d hate to impose. 你根本就没强人所难 真的 You"re not imposing at all. Honestly. 你要去哪里 Where are we headed? 你知道梅胡这个地方吗 Do you where Mayhew is? 我要经过那里 我住在坎伯兰 我叫罗斯玛丽 It"s on my way. I live in Cumberland. I"m Rosemary. 你好 罗斯玛丽 我叫约翰 Hello, Rosemary. I"m John. 幸会 约翰 Good to meet you, John. 来吧 我介绍你认识苏西 Come on, I"ll introduce you to Susie. -苏西是谁 -我的罗特韦尔犬 -Who"s Susie? -My Rottweiler. 我们不跟着他们偷偷溜进去吗 We"re not sneaking in with them? 一个君王未经邀请 不可以进入另一个君王的地界 A king may not enter another monarch"s realm uninvited. 有一些规矩和条约必须遵守 There are rules, protocols which must be followed.

 门那边有人来了 There"s one at the door. 惩罚之门那边 At the gate of damnation. 来者是小偷 暴徒还是妓♥女♥ Is it thief, thug or whore? 门那边有人来了 There"s one at the door. 这里还容得下一人 And there"s room for one more. 直至创世的尽头 Till the end of creation. 你好 斯卦怖髅 Greetings, Squatterbloat. 我想与你们的君王会面 I seek an audience with your sovereign. 请问阁下是谁 And who might you be? 我是梦境之王 I am the King of Dreams. 梦魇之境的统治者 Ruler of the Nightmare Realms. 知道了 小丑 Mm. Yes, my clown. 那你的王冠在哪里 So, where"s your crown? 小心说话 恶魔 Guard your tongue, demon. 地狱统治者对侮辱贵宾者可不会手软 The Ruler of Hell will not be kind to one who insults an honored guest. 而我是你们地界的宾客 因为我是我自己地界的君王 And I am a guest in this realm as I am monarch of my own. 那你的红宝石在哪里 So where"s your ruby? 你是想让我用它纠缠你做梦的时刻 Shall I use it to haunt your dreams? 还有你清醒的时刻 And your waking hours, too? 不想的话 就把地狱之门打开 让我们进去 Or will you open the gates of Hell and let us through? 现在带我们去宫殿

 Now, take us to the palace. 门那边有人来了 There"s one at the door. 门那边有人来了 There"s one at the door. 这么说 你住在梅胡 So, you live in Mayhew? 已经不住那里了 Not anymore. 但我的…东西还在那里 My, uh… things are there. 所以你以前在梅胡住过 So you used to live in Mayhew? 对 那是数年前的事了 Yes. Few years ago. 因为我母亲工作的关系 我们需要经常搬家 My mother"s work forced us to move around quite a bit. 她是做什么的 Mm. What does she do? 她最近才去世 Actually, she passed away quite recently. 约翰… Oh, John… 这事才发生不久 所以我依然有点… It"s only just happened, so I"m, I"m, I"m still a little bit-- 我懂 Of course. 我很遗憾 约翰 I"m so sorry, John. 她其实不是个很好的人 She wasn"t a very good person, I"m afraid. 这么说自己母亲好像不应该 对吗 可我是实话实说 That"s an awful thing to say, isn"t it? Even if it"s true. 没有 我母亲也一样 No. I have a mother like that, too. 是吗 她是做什么的 Really? What does she do? 整天看有线电视新闻 She watches cable news. All day. 她就是干这个的 That"s what she does.

 你母亲呢 她生前是干什么的 What about yours? When she was alive? 我母亲生前 When she was alive, 是个非常成功的贼 my mother was a very successful thief. -是吗 -是的 不得不说她就是 -Really? -Yes, I"m afraid so. 她偷过什么 What did she steal? 这么问会不会冒犯你 我很抱歉 Is that rude? To ask? I"m sorry. 不 完全没有冒犯 No, not at all. 她什么都偷 Uh, she stole anything and everything. 偷艺术品 偷珠宝 偷别人的身份 She stole art. She stole jewelry. Other people"s identities. 所以我们才不得不经常搬家 Which is why we had to keep moving all the time. 所以无论她说什么都是谎言 It"s why she lied about everything. 对我也撒谎 Even to me. 她这样也许是为了保护你 Well, maybe she was trying to protect you. 你说这话像是一个有孩子的女人 Spoken like a woman with children of her own. 我有两个女儿 萨曼莎和萨拉 Two girls. Samantha, Sarah. 罗斯玛丽 我能问你一个问题吗 Rosemary, may I ask you something? 当然可以 Of course. 你撒谎吗 Do you lie? 对萨曼莎和萨拉撒过谎吗 To Samantha and Sarah? 她们的爸爸才是家里的撒谎精 Their dad was the liar in the family. 我们结婚十年之后

 We were married ten years 我才发现他在别的城市 有一个老婆和一个孩子 before I found out he had another wife and another kid in another town. -我的老天爷 -是吧 -Oh, my goodness. -Yeah. 我觉得撒谎可能算得上 你对一个人最大的伤害 I think lying is maybe the worst thing you can do to another person. 我就是活生生的例子 I"m living proof of that. 我相信你妈妈是爱你的 为你感到骄傲 I"m sure your mom loved you and was proud of you. 她临终前确实原谅了我 She did forgive me in the end. -原谅你什么 -我偷了她的东西 -For what? -Stealing from her. -你偷了什么 -一颗红宝石 -What did you steal? -A ruby. 一颗独一无二的红宝石 你从没见过的那种 Unlike no other. Like nothing you"ve ever seen. 然后她就找人把我抓了 还把我关进了监狱 She had me arrested, of course. And thrown in prison. -就因为你偷了她的红宝石 -还因为我纵火 -For stealing the ruby? -And arson. 还杀了人 And murder. 就是常见的重伤罪 其它的就不说了 General mayhem. Among other things. 拿着这颗红宝石有一个麻烦 You see, the problem with having this ruby 就是所有人都总想把它从我身上夺走 was that everyone was always trying to take it from me. 所以我不过是做了该做的事情而已 And so, I just did what I had to do. 你杀过人 You murdered people? 他们不是好人 They weren"t good people. 和你还有苏西不一样 Not like you and Susie. 对不对 苏西 Isn"t that right, Susie?

 对不对 可爱的苏西 Isn"t that right, my sweet girl? 知不知道这是哪里 Any idea where we are? 地狱的景观是变化的 随晨星的兴致而变 The landscape is subject to the whims of the Morningstar. 早晨的星星 The morning star? 难不成今晚我们要 待在这让人毛骨悚然的… We have to spend the night in this literally godforsaken-- 是路西法晨星 Lucifer Morningstar. 就是魔鬼 As in the Devil? 地狱统治者可不止是魔鬼 The Ruler of Hell is no mere devil. 你俩认识 So, you two know each other? 我们认识很久了 We"ve known each other for a very long time. 我们初次见面时 路西法还是天使 叫萨麦尔 When we first met, Lucifer was the angel Samael. 我都忘了魔鬼以前是天使的事了 I forgot the Devil used to be an angel. 这位可不是一般的天使 Not just any angel. 而是最美丽 最有智慧 最强大的天使 The most beautiful, wisest, and most powerful of all angels. 除了创世者以外 法力最强的或许就数路西法了 Saving only the Creator, Lucifer is, perhaps, the most powerful being there is. 比你还要强 More powerful than you? 强多了 尤其是现在 By far. Especially now. 为什么 Why now? 上次我来这里还是座上宾 The last time I was here, I was an honored guest. 是来自我自己王国的特使 An envoy from my own kingdom. 而这次我是不请自来

 This time, I have invited myself, 而且没带标志我身份的东西 and I lack my symbols of office. 可你依然是无尽梦神不是吗 而且你有沙袋 But you"re still Dream of The Endless, right? You got your sand. 怎么了 What"s wrong? 斯卦怖髅 他不见了 Squatterbloat. He"s gone. 没事 别慌 All right, don"t panic. 我飞到上面去看看这是哪里 I"m just gonna fly up and see where we are. 不行 还是不飞上去为好 Nope, nope. Not doing that. 走这边 This way. 你觉得这像是去宫殿的路吗 Does this seem like the way to the palace to you? 恶魔不论做什么都有一百个动机 A demon has a hundred motives for anything he does. 每个动机都是恶意的 All of them malevolent. 恶魔 Demon. 这条路不对 This is not the way. 凯酷 Kai"ckul? 梦神陛下 Dream Lord? 真的是你 It is you. 你好 娜达 I greet you, Nada. 凯酷 Kai"ckul. 我为了等到今天做了无数祈祷 How I have prayed for this day. 我就知道你会来 I knew you would come.

 看到你这样我很痛苦 It pains me to see you like this. 那就释放我好吗 陛下 Then, free me, Lord. 只有得到你的原谅我才能自♥由♥ Only your forgiveness can free me. 你不是依然爱着我吗 Do you not still love me? 我们已经分开一万年了 娜达 It has been 10,000 years, Nada. 没错 我依然爱你 Yes. I still love you. 但我还没有原谅你 But I have not yet forgiven you. 走吧 马修 Come, Matthew. 凯酷 我不会放弃希望的 Kai"ckul, I will not give up hope. 绝不会放弃 I will never give up. 对 我承认我做过某些事情 Yes. I admit that in the past I may have done some things 这些事情在道德上…模棱两可 that are morally… ambiguous. 但它们让我了解了人性 But it taught me about human nature 以及如何才能对他人 抱有真正的理解和同情 and the secret of real understanding and compassion. 你想知道如何才能吗 Do you want to know what it is? 想知道 I do. 答案乍一听可能会让人觉得奇怪 This is going to sound rather odd, 对他人抱有同情的秘诀就是 but the secret to having compassion for people 明白人的本质都是自私的 is knowing that they are fundamentally selfish. 我这么说是不带评判的 And I say this without judgement. 因为人就是这样 人性就是如此

 It"s how human beings are built. It"s how we"re made. 但一旦你懂得这一点 But if you know that going in, 一旦你明白人类的运作 if you understand that we are operating 是基于生物上的先天自私 out of the biological congenital selfishness, 那么生活就变得好理解多了 then life begins to make a lot more sense. 你没事吧 Are you all right? 抱歉 手♥机♥掉下来了 Uh, sorry. The phone slipped. 你刚才说什么 You were saying? 我…我说 I… I was saying, 明白人都是自私的 knowing that people are selfish 能让你获得自&hea...

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