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时间:2022-06-26 11:25:04 浏览次数:




 好了 雷 Okay, Ray, 你正在坐牢 自愿参加蜘蛛头临床试验项目 you are an incarcerated volunteer in the Spiderhead clinical trial program. 在我们开始之前 我需要你同意我注射 G-46 Before we begin, I need your permission to administer G-46. -注射药物 -同意 -Drip on? -Acknowledge. (笑迎春)

 鬼最擅长画什么 What was the ghost"s favorite fruit? 鬼画葫芦 Boo-berry. 说真的 这太搞笑了 No shit, that"s funny. 渔夫最讨厌什么鱼 What did the magician say to the fisherman? 漏网之鱼 Pick a cod, any cod. 属于你的薯片叫什么 What do you call cheese that isn"t yours? “非你莫属” Nacho cheese. 嘿 雷 接下来这几个不是笑话 而是事实陈述 好吗 All right, Ray, Ray, these next ones aren"t jokes, more just facts, okay? 真的吗 Oh, yeah? 在 1994 年的卢旺达大屠♥杀♥中 有超过八十万人丧生 In the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, over 800,000 people died. 你被判处… You are serving… 你被判处连续四个终身监禁 You"re serving four consecutive life sentences 不得保释 without the possibility of parole. 雷 谢谢你 朋友 你可以离开了 Ray, thank you. You"re free to cruise, buddy. NETFLIX 出品 (改编自乔治桑德斯的短篇小说 《逃离蜘蛛头》)




 (警告:未经许可 严禁入内)

 今天又是一个美丽的早晨 朋友们 邻居们 Another beautiful morning, friends, 该起床 好好活动活动了 time to rise and really shine. 作为蜘蛛头监狱及研究中心的志愿者 As volunteers in the Spiderhead Penitentiary and Research Center… 你们必须尽自己的职责 …you must do your part 请始终遵守基本规则 and practice the golden rules, 不得实施任何身体或语言虐待 冰箱里的食物必须标注名字 no abuse, physical, verbal, or otherwise and label your food in the fridge. 杰夫 请前往码头报到 进行偏远实地测试 Jeff, please report to the dock for remote field testing. 好了 杰夫 今天给你准备了一种新药 Okay, Jeff, we have a new compound for you today. -注射药物 -如果是 N-31 就没问题 -Drip on? -If it"s N-31. 很好笑 是 N-40 同意吗 Hilarious, N-40. Acknowledge? 同意 Acknowledge. 好的 杰夫 你准备好就开始 Yeah, whenever you"re ready, Jeff. 感觉非常不错 It"s really nice. 真好 我们可以给你的语言中枢 加点料吗 杰夫 Oh, boy. Okay if we pep up your language centers, Jeff? 注射药物 Drip on? -当然 -同意吗 -Sure. -Acknowledge? 不好意思 嗯 同意 Oh, sorry. Yeah, acknowledge. (善言素)

 嘿 抱歉 我来晚了 Hey, sorry, I"m late. 客人都到了 Party"s here.

 真变♥态♥ -Such a creep. -你去哪里了 -实地调研 -Where you been? -Field trip. 对 你跟艾玛通电♥话♥ Oh, right, your phone call with Emma. 不是 是做药物研究 No, uh, drug study. 应该是 N-40 N-40, I think. 所有人都出去实地调研过了 只有我没有 They have everyone on these field trips but me. 你才刚来不久 You"re still new. 也不是刚来 我很想晒晒太阳 I"m not that new. You know, I"d love some sunshine. 要不要我帮你准备… Can I help you with the… 意大利火腿裹油桃 Nectarines and prosciutto? 你有什么好帮的 我都搞定了 你来迟了 What you gonna help with? I"m done. You"re late. 张大嘴巴 Open up. 好好品尝 全吃下去 Enjoy that. Get it all. -对 -真好吃 -Yeah. -It"s really good. -好吃吧 -真希望他们能把你留在零食组 -Good, right? -I hope they keep you on snack. 我总说他们让你负责清洁 是浪费了你的才华 I always said they wasted your talents on janitorial. 话可别说得太早哦 我喜欢擦洗东西 都上瘾了 Don"t be too sure about that. I"ve got a bit of a scrub fetish. -好吧 -那个… -Okay. -Hey… -你有没有留意到 我们… -像是心有灵犀 -Did you notice we kinda-- -Finish each other"s sentences? 我想说的是需要几个新的碗 I was gonna say, need new bowls. 注射 N-40 的感觉如何

 So, how was the N-40? 花不是长出来的… Flowers didn"t grow… 是雕刻出来的 画出来的 They were sculpted. Painted. 我也想告诉你 但是我正在恢复过来 注射了… I mean, I would tell you about it, but I"m just coming down off the-- -善言素 -对 -Verbaluce. -Yeah. 那种话都到了嘴边 但就是说不出来的感觉 That tip-of-the-tongue feeling when you can"t find the right word 那种觉得自己 再也找不到适当的词的感觉 and you feel like you"ll never find the right word again? 对 Yeah. 你傻乎乎的样子挺可爱的 Well, you"re cute when you"re stupid. 好吧 不过挺可惜的 因为我原本打算今天… Okay, but it sucks because today was the day that… 我有一些话 原本打算今天跟你说的 丽姿 There was something that I was gonna tell you today, Lizzy. 好吧 我们有的是时间 Okay, well, we got time. 嗯 确实 Yes, we do. 我们就只有时间了 All we"ve got is time. 不错 Okay. 你也了解这种音乐 What you know about this? 你对此一无所知 You know nothing about this. 那总结一下… So, to sum up… 我很喜欢 I love it. 很美 It"s beautiful. 你要带我去哪里 -Where do you wanna take me? -Hmm.

 要不去那座岛吧 就是生产矿泉水的那座岛 What about that island, you know, the one where they make water? 斐济岛 Fiji? 斐济岛 Fiji. -我会带你去斐济岛的 -谢谢 -I"ll take you to Fiji. -Thank you. 不过需要点钱 Just need a little money. 我们去马克家吧 给他庆祝生日 Can we go to Mark"s? For his birthday? 星期二才是他的生日 但他那混♥蛋♥会庆祝一整个星期 It was Tuesday, but he"s a celebrate-all-week motherfucker. Please? -拜托了 -得问老大的意见 Gotta ask the boss. 你们俩去好好玩吧 我在这里待着 好吗 You two go have fun. I"m gonna stay here. Okay? -我想你 -我更想你 -Miss you. -Miss you more. 你开车没问题 You cool to drive? 当然 Ice cold. 杰夫 Oh, Jeff, Jeff, Jeff! 杰夫 Jeff! (《新英格兰医学杂♥志♥》)

 艾纳斯蒂先生 抱歉 我迟到了 Sorry, I"m late, Mr. Abnesti. 等到你叫我史蒂夫的那天 我都该退休了 I"m gonna retire the day you call me Steve. 一点都不迟 Not late at all. 不过海瑟呢… Heather, on the other hand… 好 正提到她呢 Yeah, speak of the devil. 不好意思 Sorry.

 没事 All right. 我太失礼了 介绍两位认识 海瑟 杰夫 Oh, how rude of me. Jeff, Heather. Heather, Jeff. 记录一下 在你们进蜘蛛头监狱之前 或者在这里期间 For the record, either prior to or during your incarceration here at Spiderhead, 你们俩说过话吗 have you two ever spoken? -没有 -没有 -No. -No. 是否有过任何互动 Ever interacted in any way? 我刚才不是说了没有吗 Did I not just say no? 没有 No. 你觉得怎么样 So, what do you think? 你在问谁 Who are you asking? 我在问你们俩 杰夫先说吧 I"m asking both of you. Let"s start with Jeff. 好 她看上去不错 Yeah, she seems nice. 你喜欢用这个词 我的意思是她对你的吸引力有多大 You like that word, but no, I mean, how attractive is she? 怎么了 史蒂夫 你自己看不见吗 What, Steve, you can"t see it for yourself? 麻烦你安静一下 我在问杰夫 她的长相如何 Can you shut up, please? I"m asking Jeff. How"s she looking? 拜托 老兄 Come on, man. 10 分为满分 打个分 -A scale of one to ten? -Um… 嗯 7 点 5 分吧 Yeah, she"s a seven and a half. 海瑟 你呢 And, Heather? 他还行 我心情好的话可以给他 5 分 He"s all right. A five on a good day. 你是不是给她注射了实话素

 -Did you give her Honest-Ease? 没 我得先征求同意 你知道的 No, I would have to ask. You know. 我这个人比较难搞 I"m just kind of a bitch. 那我想把我刚才的分数改成 8 分 Well, then I would like to change my vote to an eight. 好了 杰夫 海瑟 All right, uh, Jeff, Heather, 你们是否同意注射 N-40 注射药物 can I have your permission to administer N-40? Drip on? 同意 Acknowledge. -行 -海瑟 -Uh, yeah. -Heather? 天哪 她真烦人 God, she"s a pain in the ass. -同意 -谢谢你 -Acknowledge. -Thank you. (浓情素)

 来吧 两位 说话 快说话 Come on, guys. Words, words, words. 好的 她现在看起来挺漂亮的 Okay, yeah, she"s starting to look pretty good. 我的… Oh, my… 嗯 她现在变得非常漂亮 Yeah, she"s… She"s looking really, really good. 海瑟 Heather? 我也有同感 是的 Uh, same. Yeah. 好的 增加善言素 让他们说话 Okay, pump up the Verbaluce, let"s get "em talking. 天哪 她真美 Oh, God, she"s so beautiful. 行 别跟我们说 跟对方说 Yeah, don"t tell us, tell each other. 你…我的天哪 You"re… Oh, my God. 你帅得惊人 你很英俊 我无法形容

 You"re stunning, you"re gorgeous. 对不起 我之前真是瞎了狗眼 Sorry, I didn"t see it before. 没关系 你应该 是我这辈子见过的最美的女人 It"s okay, you"re the most beautiful woman I think I"ve ever seen in my life. 谢谢你 Thank you. -是 -我可以… -Yeah. -I could, uh… -嗯 -我可以… -Yeah? -I could… 你可以什么 杰夫 You could what, Jeff? 好 Oh, yeah. 我们在拍这段吗 Are we getting this? 爽 -Oh, yeah. 我的天啊 -Oh, my God. 你们没事吧 You okay? 有什么好笑的 What"s so funny? 没什么 Nothing. 我之前以为是不可能的 I didn"t think it was possible. 什么不可能 What? 我居然开始喜欢搂抱了 -I"m liking cuddling. 请给我一点这玩意儿 让我回家 Please send me home with some of this shit. 海瑟… Heather… 嗯 Yes? 我爱你 I love you.

 我的天哪 Holy shit. 我也爱你 I love you too. 40 太赞了 N-fucking-40, baby. 是啊 不得了了 我们真厉害 Yeah, God damn, we"re good. 催♥情♥药♥ The love drug. 金星 Gold star? 还不行 不 Not yet, not yet. No, no. 我们更感兴趣的它的残留效应 而不是它的药效 We"re less interested in what we just saw than the residual effect. 我知道给你的时间不够 但我要你观察这两个人 I realize you"re stretched thin, but I need you to observe these two. 他们回去后 在接下来的几个小时 几天内 他们会不会去找对方 After they come down, in the next hours, days, do they seek contact? 他们共处一室时 是否会表达自己的感觉 Profess feelings when they"re in the same room? 他们是否有非语言性的交流 留意他们的趋同行为 Do they communicate non-verbally? Look for isopraxisms. 就是镜像行为 Uh, mirrored behaviors. 相爱的人会无意识地模仿彼此的举动 People in love unconsciously mimic each other"s actions. 比如会同时挠脸或摆弄头发 They scratch their faces, fiddle with their hair at the same time. 是他们下意识的举动 It"s like their bodies can"t help themselves. 所以你要仔细观察杰夫和海瑟 So watch Jeff and Heather. 我想知道 我想知道爱情能否… I want to know. I want to know, does love… 这样产生的爱情能否持久 Does this love last? 好了 两位 谢谢你们 Hey, guys, thank you. 非常感谢 说真的 没有你们我们完成不了

 Thank you very much, no kidding. We couldn"t do it without you. 请记住 你们现在的感觉 Remember, what you"re feeling, 这种有时会让人心烦的转变是正常的 the sometimes disquieting transitions are natural. 现在让你们恢复基线状态 以后还会有更多的试验 We"re bringing you back to baseline. More to come. 我能回零食组吗 Am I back on snack? 你可不想知道 相信我 You don"t wanna know, trust me. 在集体生活之家 我跟姑娘们 Me and the girls at the group home, 会从便利店偷彩票 we swiped lottery tickets from convenience stores, 一次刮上百张 scratched them a hundred at a time. 看起来我们好像是 用正当方式搞钱 但其实是欺诈 It looked like we were doing honest work, you k...

推荐访问:蜘蛛 剧本 中英文对照
